Our Philosophy

We imagine a world where butterflies fly from neighbor to neighbors yard & crickets lull you to sleep.  

Where children play freely in the grass without risk of developmental delays, cancer or asthma...

Our Mission is Simple

To restore our local neighborhood ecosystems to a natural state of beauty.


  • Our lawns should be a place to play - not further poisoning.

  • Lawn care should better the environment and contribute towards a carbon neutral future - not increase pollution and drive global warming.

  • It is possible to have an organic carbon neutral lawn which also looks great.

  • Our lawns should serve so much more than cosmetic purposes. They should provide refuge and benefit your entire local ecosystem.

  • When neighbors band together it’s possible to restore entire local ecosystems to their natural abundance.

“We’re looking to undertake a a nationwide restoration effort to undo 100 years of chemical warefare on our lawns, our family, our children, our pets and our ecosystem.”

— Grown Green Founder

Goal One

Map Every Organic Property in the United States


Goal Two

Create a Shareable Database of all Organic Properties in the United States


Goal Three

Incorporate Organic Property Data into Real Estate Platforms to Change Americans Perception of the “Perfect Lawn”